After a few drinks, we stood in line for a good hour-plus... the line grew and grew.
Around 11:45 the line started moving, and we got within sight of the Regulator.
Right at 12:01 am, the first books were sold to those who had waited patiently at the front of the line, some since around 5pm that evening.
From the looks on their faces, it was worth the wait.
Once in the door, the line went to the back of the store...
...down the stairs...
...back by the cafe...
...and then... the SORTING HAT! I'm in Hufflepuff now.
Val is in Gryffindor.
And Angela got in to Ravenclaw.
This was one kid in North America who didn't give a rat's ass. He was sitting and reading a "Fox Trot" collection.
The line went back upstairs, ALL the way back in the store, and back around to the front.
There were even some Weasleys there.
We got to the registers,
made our purchases, and scurried off into the night. I'm on chapter 4...
(you can close this window now, nothing more to see here...)